In this post I will be I will be covering a few of the basic things you need to consider when purchasing your next set of Bluetooth hearing protection. My aim is to give you a brief overview of each aspect so that you will be better informed. As time goes on I will go into each topic more thoroughly, but for now, this should get you started!
Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)
Obviously, since you’re interested in hearing protection, one of the primary aspects you will need to consider is how much protection they offer. The amount of protection offered has been categorized based on a number of decibels (dB) a particular ear muff/plug can reduce the overall sound entering your ear.
The level of sound protection offered by a particular product must by tested and approved by the American National Standards Institute in accordance with the Occupational Safety & Health Administration.
As you’re researching potential products to purchase, it’s important to remember that the higher the NRR, the more noise reduction there is.
Another factor that will determine the level of NRR protection you will need is the level of noise you are exposed to and the length of time you are exposed to that noise. The chart on the right is a simple way to help you determine the maximum amount of time you should spend under each level of sound volume.
For more detailed information regarding NRR, please read THIS ARTICLE.
Battery Life
When considering the battery life of your new set of Bluetooth hearing protection earmuffs, it’s important to consider how long you will need to use them at any given time and how easily it will be for you to charge them.
Generally, the longer the battery life the better, but better batteries cost more money. So, if you’re able to go shorter lengths between charges, then you might be able to get away with a shorter battery life.
Bluetooth Range
You also need to think about how far away you will be getting from your Bluetooth source. I’m willing to bet most of you will simply be receiving Bluetooth from your phone in your pocket or in your vehicle. But if for some reason, you aren’t allowed or able to have your phone in close proximity, then you’ll need to make sure your earmuffs have a long enough range.
Sound Volume/Quality
As with any type of Bluetooth earmuffs, the noise quality and volume levels will vary based on the brand and quality of that particular style of earmuffs. If you want the highest quality of sound then you’ll have to pay more for the earmuffs, if you’re ok with average sound quality then you’ll pay less.
Size & Comfort
Another factor to consider is the size of the earmuffs, both in the muff that covers the ear and the band that sits on your head. If you have particularly big ears or a large head, you’ll need to make sure the earmuffs will fit nicely and cover your ears effectively. Likewise, if you have a small head you’ll need to ensure that the band can compress enough to keep the earmuffs snug on your head.
Also, if you’re like me, you may be wearing these things for many hours at a time…so it’s really important they are comfortable.
Durability is an important factor to consider as well, especially if you’re going to be working in rough or dirty environments. If you’re going to be in or around a lot of dust, you need to make sure your earmuffs will withstand it. If you’re going to be in rainy or wet environments you need to make sure your earmuffs are waterproof…or at least water-resistant.
Other Capabilities
Many Bluetooth hearing protection devices come with other features as well, such as, the ability to listen to AM/FM radio. Some also include a microphone so you can talk on the phone while wearing your earmuffs. If these are important capabilities to have then they are something you should definitely be looking out for.
The final aspect of your new hearing protection earmuffs you should consider is the price! Or, if you’re like me, the price is the first thing you consider. Obviously, as will everything in a market economy, the price is usually determined by the quality of the product. So, if you’re looking for the highest quality product out there, you should expect to pay a premium price. If you’re simply looking for the cheapest way to get the job done safely, then it won’t be as painful on your pocket book!
There you have it! I hope this page helped you understand some of the factors you need to take into consideration when considering your next pair of Bluetooth hearing protection earmuffs! Have a look around and read some reviews of some of our top recommended sets!
Of course, if you have any questions or comments, please contact me here!
Feature Image: Taken by fir0002 | Canon 20D + Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 L – Own work, GFDL 1.2,
I have been employed in a certain company where music used to be manufactured and the sound have been too high of which was not good for my health and almost lost my hearing. with this information provided i found it more useful and willing to buy one for my self
thanks for the information
Hey there Jose!
Unfortunately, there are many, many people who do not properly understand the damage that their loud environments are doing to their ears. Because it is something that takes a long time to have it’s effect because the damage occurs incrementally, it’s often not regarded as a serious issue!
I’m glad you’re more likely to get a good pair of hearing protection now that you have a better understanding of the dangers of living/working in an extremely loud environment!
I’m personally a big fan of the 3M brand of hearing protection, so if you’d like you can check out some of the reviews of their best headsets here.
Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to seeing you around again!
I have never owned a bluetooth device so this is some interesting information when I do decide to buy one. I wouldn’t have thought of buying hearing protection, but after reading your post, I can see it is a necessity. It’s good to see that size and comfort are included here.
Hey Kevin!
Protecting your ears is often one think people forget about in many situations. Even mowing your lawn, especially if you have a big lawn that takes a long time, exposes your ears to potentially damaging noise levels! There are so many instances where we are actually doing damage but don’t even think about it until we get older and start losing our hearing!
My job has me in very noisy environments and I know for sure I would probably already be losing my hearing if I didn’t use ear protection every day!
I hope this post helps you make some informed decisions in the future when you’re looking at getting a Bluetooth Hearing Protection headset! Make sure to check back regularly as I have a whole list of headsets I plan on reviewing in the near future!
Great information on Blue Tooth devices.
I use a Blue Tooth headset and I am not all that pleased. Do you have a recommendation?
My wife loves to walk and listen to music. We purchased a Bose Blue Tooth head set that is great.
How do you feel about Bose stacks up on a safe device to use?
Thanks for your post!
Hey there,
I don’t think Bose Bluetooth headsets would qualify as “hearing protection” per say unless they’re noise cancelling. Even in that case, I don’t think they would necessarily qualify. If you’re using them for mowing the lawn or working around the house they would probably be just fine, but if you’re planning on using them in an industrial setting or around louder, more consistent noises, I’d recommend something designed more for that environment.
Most of the really intense hearing protection devices don’t block out dangerous levels of sound with noise-cancelling technology like the high-end headphones, but by physically preventing the sound from entering your ear canal in the first place.
I hope that helped a bit.
P.S. I’m terribly sorry for taking so long to get back to you!
I would have to say the things that are most important to me would be battery life, range and sound quality. I have tried a lot of bluetooth headphones and it’s tough to find a pair that meet all of my criteria.
As for range, it’s funny when I am at the gym and lay my phone down somewhere, then I walk away and forget my phone, I always wonder why my sound is spotty. Then I remember I don’t have my phone in my pocket! So range is definitely important.
I really like the chart you included, that is interesting to see the comparisons. Thanks for another quality article on hearing protection, this is an important topic.
Those are definitely important qualities to consider. I’ve found that range greatly depends on the materials that are between you and your phone. Sometimes I can be almost 100 feet away from my phone and it will be just fine, but if I have my phone in the opposite side pocket of the receiver in my headset and bend over it will cut out. Apparently flesh is a great Bluetooth signal blocker!
P.S. I apologize for taking so long to respond to your comment!
Hey Dustin, enjoyed your review a lot. Very good information.
As an ex-truck driver, I know the value of a good Bluetooth. You probably know truck drivers, by law, have to have hands free devices while driving. With all the outside noise I am assuming these would be very good for a truck driver.
I was just wondering about the range you talked about. I would imagine it would depend on the type you get. If a driver left his phone in the truck, I am guessing he could walk around his truck to do a truck inspection and still be within range? Very informative. Hope to talk soon! Wayne
Hey Wayne,
I think that, if you were to get a high-quality device, you should be able to make it around your truck. That being said, I think metal and certain materials are more difficult for the signal to pass through. So, for instance, if I place my phone in my left pocket and my headset has the receiver on the right side, my own flesh will cut the signal. If I’m at shop and I walk into another room with a tin wall between us, I lose the signal. But, if I’m at home I can be on the other side of my wooden house and it will be fine.
So, all that to say, I think it would depend on the strength of the Bluetooth, the materials of your trailer, and what’s inside your trailer whether or not you’d be able to make it all the way around without losing the signal!
P.S. I’m sorry it took me so long to reply to you! Life gets crazy sometimes.
Investing in Bluetooth protection earmuffs sounds like a wise decision to make! I’m a big fan of Bluetooth headphones, going forward, before I purchase my next pair I will definitely take into consideration protection for my ears.
As the saying goes “you get what you pay for” so price won’t be a major factor when I decide to purchase a pair that is built to protect.
All the extra added information here is helpful as well!
You’re spot on there David. I’d be happy to spend a bit more on a good set of Bluetooth hearing protection headphones to ensure I don’t lose my hearing. It’s a lot better than the other option of getting a cheap pair that doesn’t work well and, consequently, going deaf later in life!
Hey, think of it this way, spending a few hundred more dollars is waaay less than the future medical bills will be if you need to go to an audiologist and buying hearing aids!
Would these devices work when target shooting? I would like to have something that protects my hearing, but allows me to still take phone calls or have a conversation.
I get tired of taking off my ear protection when at the target range (either soft plug or ear muffs) ever time I want to talk to someone (my hearing isn’t so great to start with).
Are these products what I am looking for? Or is there something else out there?
These would definitely work on the range. One of my coworkers noticed my ISOtunes earbuds and told me that some of his buddies at his shooting range use them. They’ll double up with the ISOtunes earbuds with standard noise protection earmuffs over the top. The ISOtunes earbuds are great for this because they’re small enough to fit comfortably under the earmuffs while also adding a second layer of sound protection!
I hope this helps!
I was not familiar with bluetooth hearing protection until I read your article. You have great information and this will really help people out in the future that need this type of protection on a day to basis. I want to thank you for taking the time to make this article, and I hope you have a great rest of your evening.
Thank you! Helping people is the goal.